Well, imagine No More. There is indeed such a meat - It's Buffalo Meat. I was watching the Asian Food Channel not too long ago, and they featured this restaurant in US that made Buffalo steaks, Buffalo burgers etc... at first i went "Ewwww", but then all the people who ate it said, it tasted just like beef and they couldn't tell the difference. They also flashed the nutrition facts of buffallo meat, and its higher in Protein than Beef (for all those body builders who are looking for more protein in their diet) and less fat than even skinless chicken (for all those who want to eat red meat without the additional baggage). All the taste, without any of the guilt. Of course when i heard all this info, i was like... that's great news, but we will never see it in Malaysia, so what's the point.
And just last week, i was surprised to see the Giant near my house selling Buffalo Meat from India. The price averages around RM 10 for a Kilogram so its still pretty affordable. To all the Hindu's out there... its "halal" for you to eat. So you are no longer stuck to just mutton when it comes to red meat. Try it out and see. I made some burger patties out of mine, but i overdid the salt and some of the spices. So let me refine the recipe before i post it up here for you guys.
Below are the nutrition facts of Buffalo meat (per 100 grams serving) compared to all the other meats.

Look forward to hearing your comments on this wonder meat, especially if you have tried it.
Red meat??? REALLY????
Thank God pork featured in the list or I'd have died!!
having said that - buffalo milk is the bestest in the world man hehehehhe had me fair share of it in northern India .. super yum yum and creamy!
pssst Rajan: is milk as part of the food diet plan good??
hi Akuani... Milk in the diet is good. But too much of it... not good... just like everything else.
The reason why milk gets a bad name is, is most of the sinful things out there are made from milk... cheese, ice cream, chocolate etc.... so automatically people think.. milk is bad.
Taken in moderation, milk is really good for you. Depending on your age and your body, i would say 1 to 2 glasses of low fat milk a day will actually be good for you.
Why no Kathu Pandi...
NOw i know why my friend is rearing buffaloes...
ANyone interested in rwearing buffaloes..?
Anba: Kattu pandi also nice... but health wise, buffalo is healthier and leaner.
I just hope all the restaurants who serve beef will consider having buffalo meat as a substitute. Tony Romas? mmmmmm
but Rajan ... Buffalo is technically same family as Cow ... hence I do not think Hindus/Buddhist eat Buffalo - eek ...
Akuani: aiyoohh... like that means, mutton also can be classified as cow lah.
But technically speaking all hindu's are supposed to be full vegetarians (according to the bhagavad gita)... not supposed to eat any kind of meat at all.
Somewhere along the line, people stopped being full vegetarian, and decided that just abstaining from beef will be sufficient since cows are considered sacred animals. So i leave it to the individual on how they would like to perceive it.
errrr goat and cow different family mah ...
Technically Buffalo is somewhere down with the Cow punya family also..
But i know some god fearing hindoos who hantam Beef also Big Mac manyak sedap...hehehe..
Summore eat on thaipusam day Fuyoo...
but i think i can make exemption with Bison hehehehe
Any one seen any Bison Meat...
Pork is KING.
Nuff said . . .
Akuani: goat is a mini version of cow... hehehehehe
but anyway, i leave the decision up to the individual to decide how strict they wanna be with these religious protocols. religion is a personal r'ship between you and God, so its up to you to do what you think is right. for me, i am ok with it.
BTW, have you given you program a start? how is it going?
Anba: you can find this buffalo meat in most hypermarkets now i think. i saw it in Giant. going to buy some more this weekend.
AD: Agree with you. My favourite meat of all time is also pandi. we should have a pandi lovers convention.
all hail the great Pandi....
it rained all day today ... **blardy hell** ... can the elements be in my favour pls ... I got to get cracking here **sigh**
Anba: Yes... pandi is still my favourite meat.
Akuani: that sucks... and i know your feeling. Hope the elements will be in your favour soon. don't wanna lose the momentum.
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