Monday, May 25, 2009

What is your reason for staying fit?

Firstly, let me begin by apologizing for the long silence on my part. I have been travelling a lot for work which caused me to be out of the office and my regular routine for the most of May, and most times, I had no access to a computer… so I was unable to post up anything. Hence the lapse in postings.

Now that I am back and my calendar looks relatively empty for the next month or so, you can expect more frequent postings like the earlier days. All that travelling and not being able to hit the gym regularly has put quite a strain on my workout routine, but I must say I managed to keep pretty fit during the whole time even when I had no access to a gym. How did I do it? That will be the topic for my next posting. So check back next week.

For today, I would like to talk more on the Survey results on the right.

We got a total of 40 votes, slightly more than the previous one, and I must say that I am happy with the results, as I figured as much, that staying healthy and looking good are the primary reasons for people slogging at the gyms. My answer was to look good… and I must admit, I am a little vain when it comes to how my body looks.

5 people actually voted that they go to the gym to pick up members of the opposite sex, and maybe for some, members of the same sex… if that is what meets they fancy. I don’t know if this were honst answers or just jokes, but I am not surprised as I see many people just coming in 2 or 3 times a month, and all they do is “oral exercise” with whoever they are trying to prey on.

For sports… only 1 person voted that… surprised a little with that as I thought more people were into sports these days (even older people who are usually into golf) and working out was a means of improving their game. Oh well… I will let the results speak for itself.

So that’s all for now. Do feel free to share what your vote was and as always look forward to hearing your thoughts on the results.

Thanks for voting and look out for next weeks posting.


  1. I guess I'm the ugly duckling huh for voting in for Sports :) What happen to the rest of sportspeople out there? Anyway, good job rajan! Probably u should do survey on number of meals (incl. snacks)that one has in a day. I think most of us r having 2 meals a day now. Pls. prove me wrong :)

  2. CA: Hehehehe... should have guessed it was you.

    Mmmmm... sounds interesting. Maybe i will post that up and see.

    My bet is 3... so let's see bro.

  3. i cant remember what my answer was but knowing how shallow i can be, i believe my answer was with the majority- to look good.

    working out is always about staying healthy. and in my condition, i realised thats supposed to be the case. due to my physical limitation, i've been doing some light work out focussing on upper body strength. and no, it was never about impressing chics. i've done some reality checks ages ago.

    i actually love the idea of working out at the gym if i have all the means necessary. but again, lets get real, with chics in tights within your sights, its impossible not to get distracted. especially those working on one of the big rubber balls...


  4. Kerp: Bro.... you are an inspiration to many. The next time people tell me they can't work out, i will be sure to mention you.

  5. Good questin the answer for me will be
    Fear of death..fear of becoming fat gettin sick and not fit..
    actually being fit n healthy
    actually boost ur ego n self confidence..
    so losing that can be a motivation also...
    lots of reason i guess

  6. Anba: mmmm.....thats a good response.... i never thought of that.

    But technically speaking....I guess your response will fall under the "for Health reasons" asnwer.

  7. Classic kerp response la.

    Actually, Kerp is BANNED from most gyms coz he just sits there with his tongue touching the floor.

    Apparently, the sight of a drooling gooner is quite upsetting to members of the female species . . .

    (*hee hee*)

  8. The sight of a drooling gooner is upsetting to ALL manner of species...

  9. AD & Bernard: Kesian the fella lah.... i am sure Kerp is not that bad.

    To be fair, I think all of use will be bound to take second glances if we see something we like...

  10. Hi, just discovered this blog- lots of great tips here. My reason is for health as I used to feel tired all the time- turned my life around when I started exercising. Btw, when I travel, I always write posts and schedule them in advance.
